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                                                                BO’S HOLLOW IS PERMANENTLY CLOSED!

Check out our Facebook Page for lots of pictures!    www.facebook.com/boshollow                                        

The 2024 Season has Closed:

 Hours 10:00 am – 4:00 pm

Thursday, Friday, and Saturday

First Thursday in May – Last Saturday in October

Reservations NOT needed for Village, Model A Rides, Picnic Ride, Jerky and BBQ

Reservations Needed for Tour of Restoration Shop

You may order your Jerky or Gift baskets by Email or Calling

Email: BoHollow@centurytel.net or Call:573-548-2429

2025 is our 23rd year of business. We are family owned and operated. We have had all fifty states, and forty-six countries visit Bo’s Hollow!

Welcome to Bo’s Hollow

Welcome to Bo’s Hollow! A step back in time. A trip to Bo’s Hollow is a real Ozark experience. Fun for the entire family. To visit Bo’s Hollow there is a $5.00 entrance fee.  You buy a wooden nickel for $5.00 which can be redeemed with a $5.00 or more purchase, so free with a $5.00 purchase!

Take a leisure stroll through the Village. Enjoy the peace and tranquility of our rural Ozark setting.

Go for a Model A ride on the high road; You will see the farm with a cabin built from the original homestead logs from the 1850’s, the sheep and donkeys, the restoration barn and windmill, then down a steep hill and ride through the covered bridge back to the Village.

You never know what wildlife you might see as you ride along the Creek Road. Rides take about fifteen minutes.

You have your choice of two rides, the High Road or the Low Road. A picnic on Ashley Creek is always fun. Please look at our Model A Ride and Meal page for complete information.

Bo’s Hollow was built with the Model A Ford enthusiast in mind.
We are “Restoring the Past – Preserving the Future.” A trip to Bo’s Hollow is a step back in time. You will see nothing but the hills and hollows of the Missouri Ozarks at its best. Model A’s can gas up in our functional 1930’s gas station. Air up your tires to the ding of an air meter. Hear the AHOOGA of the Model A horns. Look at the interesting things in the gas station, feed & hardware store, telegraph office, post office, barber shop, and gift shop. Children always remember the jailhouse, mine, and outhouse. Shell and grind corn, feed the Chickens. Pump water from the well. If the wind is blowing let the windmill, do it for you. Take a ride in a “Model A Ford”. See the windmill as it pumps water for the Village. On Ashley Creek, you can enjoy a Picnic.

After your visit on your way to your car, stop at Let It Be for delicious treats, Pies, Brownies, Bread, Pork Rinds, and many other things. You never know what great things they may have. You can call ahead for special orders!